Rules & Regulations

Lending Policy

Only books placed under ‘Lending’ category are available for home lending. Generally, the one or two copies of every medical book purchased is kept under ‘Reference’ category.

Materials other than those placed under ‘Lending’ category are available only for in-house use. They include dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, maps, charts, reports, standards, subject reference books, current journals, journal backfiles, WHO publications, theses, dissertations, audiovisual and multimedia.

Two books are issued under ‘Home lending’ service to the members . The books are issued for a period of 15 days. Books issued under ‘Lending service’ can get re-issued for only once  on or before the due date. However, re-issue is made only once when there are no claims for the same book from other members. The re-issue may be done either by making a request over phone to the Circulation Desk or by presenting the book personally at the Circulation Desk. 

Books Overdue

A book issued under ‘home lending’ provision should be returned on or before the due date. In case of default, a fine will be charged as per the norms of individual college / department.

Loss of a Book

The loss of a borrowed book must be reported in writing immediately. Overdue charges will be collected in case there is no such reporting. If the book lost is located and returned after reporting, overdue charges will be collected till the date of returning of the book. However, returning of the located book is not permitted (unless otherwise approved by the head of the institution) after the payment of cost and other charges.

In case of loss of a book, an amount equal to twice the price of the current face value along with overdue charges will be recovered from the member concerned. GOC exchange rate prevailing in the month of recovery of the loss will be taken into consideration to calculate the foreign currency rate. In case of loss of a rare book, the charges to be recovered will be decided by the head of the institution or the Library Advisory Committee.

Rules Applicable to Computer & Internet Services

  • Computer facility is provided by the Institute only for educational use.  Hence, use of computers for personal purposes and playing games is prohibited.
  • Accessing unauthorized sites, Internet chat, etc. are strictly prohibited.
  • Personal files should not be saved.
  • Computer settings should not be changed, and other software should not be loaded without permission of Internet Centre In-charge.

Policy for Downloading Electronic Content

  • The access to electronic resources made available through purchase / subscription by the Institution  is meant only for academic purposes.
  • Only the selected articles, chapters of books etc. necessary for academic and clinical purposes must be downloaded. Downloading of an entire issue of a particular journal or a complete book is strictly prohibited.
  • When all / many articles of a particular journal issue or all / many chapters of a book are downloaded at a time or over a period of time, it leads to systematic / excessive downloading which might lead to the Licensor denying access to the Licensee Institute causing great inconvenience to entire community of users.

General Rules & Regulations

  • Personal belongings including bag, laptop bag, brief case, umbrella, files, folders, etc. should be deposited at the Property Counter provided inside the Library.
  • Users are required to leave aprons, jackets, etc. at the Property Counter.
  • Cash and other valuables should not be left at the Property Counter. The library accepts no responsibility for any loss.
  • Users must turn their mobile phone to silent mode.
  • Visitors must sign the Visitors’ register maintained at Security check and enter ‘in’ and ‘out’ time.
  • Strict silence, discipline and decorum should be maintained in the Library premises.
  • Users should behave in a reasonable and seemly fashion in the Library and should not cause disturbance to others.
  • Personal books are not permitted inside the Stack and reference area.
  • Reading halls are meant for individual study only. Engaging in discussion, conversation and group study is discouraged.
  • Use OPAC to search bibliographic and location details of the resources. Library staff help can also be taken to trace the books and other materials which are not found easily.
  • Personal belongings should not be left on the reading tables unattended.
  • Reservation of seats by users either for themselves or for others by placing books or other articles on the reading tables and chairs is not encouraged.
  • Membership and borrower’s card are not transferable.
  • Loss of Library card should be reported immediately in writing to the Circulation Desk.
  • In case of loss of a Library card/identity card, the member may request the Head of the Institution or Principal in writing for issue of a duplicate at the College office.
  • Users should check carefully the books for missing pages and other damages before checking out.
  • Books borrowed for reading in the Library premises must be returned to the Circulation Desk after use.
  • Books must be handled with great care and protected from dust and rains. Damage to the books through mishandling, mutilating, underlining, scribbling and disfiguring must be avoided.
  • Care must be taken not to damage and disfigure furniture, equipment and the building.
  • Tables and chairs should not be disturbed from their position.
  • Users should not rest feet on the chairs, tables and book shelves.
  • Standing at the Library entrance, chatting and discussion disturbs readers.
  • Carrying and consumption of eatables and beverages in the Library premises is not allowed. Chewing Gum is strictly prohibited.
  • Lights and fans should be switched off when not needed.
  • Must obtain ‘NO DUES’ at the end of the academic year / Semester from the Library. 

The rules apply equally to the Library and open reading area.