General Policies




For Students:

  • ID cards to be presented at the time of every entry to the library

  • Every student must possess his/her Library Card to make use of the library facility.

  • A student is eligible to borrow a maximum of two books for the first 15 days. Renewal is done once for the next term (15 days) for already borrowed books. Any delay in the return of the books beyond the said timeline, penalty will be levied for:

      • … Loss of book(s), as per UGC norms

      • … Books returned after due date, as per college norms

    • Student can replace the lost book with the latest edition of the same book

    • On case-to-case basis, penalty fee(s) will be considered / waived on scrutinization

  • A student should check at the circulation counter that the book(s) issued to them are in good condition and not damaged (such as pages are missing, torn, etc.). In case it is found damaged, the same has to be immediately brought to the notice of the Librarian before leaving the counter.

  • A student is required to handle issued books and reading material with at most care.

  • Reference materials – Journals, Back Volumes, Thesis and Dissertations and reference books have to be used within the library premises only and will not be allowed to be carried outside the library.

  • Student to refer the reference books in the library by surrendering their ID card at the circulation counter.

  • Student is instructed not to do any marking with pencil or markers on the library books issued to them. Damaging the book in any form will be dealt with the appropriate action.

  • Student should follow / adhere to Library etiquettes strictly (Talking, Eating, Sleeping or any behavior to disturb others is strictly prohibited).

  • Indiscipline in any form is not acceptable. If noticed, the librarian is entitled to withdraw the library privileges of the student and may also lead to additional disciplinary action.

  • Library Membership card is non-transferable. Hence student must not lend his/her ID Card to any other student to borrow books from the library.

  • A student found to be misusing his/her library card, Library facilities for such student will be immediately withdrawn.

  • NO DUE Certificate will be issued to a student only after he/she has returned all the library books and cleared all library dues.


For Staff/Faculty:

  • Every member of staff/faculty must possess their ID Card to make use of the library facility.

  • A staff/faculty is eligible to borrow a maximum of five books.

  • A staff/faculty should check at the circulation counter that the book(s) issued to them are in good condition and not damaged (such as pages are missing, torn, etc.). In case it is found damaged, the same has to be immediately brought to the notice of the Librarian before leaving the counter.

  • A staff/faculty is required to handle the issued books and reading material with at most care.

  • Reference materials – Journals, Back Volumes, Thesis and Dissertations and reference books have to be used within the library premises only and will not be allowed to be carried outside the library.

  • Staff/faculty to refer the reference books in the library after entering the reference register.

  • Staff/faculty is instructed not to do any marking with pencil or markers on the library books issued to them. Damaging the book in any form will be dealt with appropriate action.

  • Staff/faculty should follow / adhere to Library etiquettes strictly (Talking, Eating, Sleeping or any behavior to disturb others is strictly prohibited).

  • Indiscipline in any form is not acceptable. If noticed, the librarian is entitled to withdraw the library privileges of the staff/faculty and may also lead to additional disciplinary action.

  • In case a staff/faculty loses a book he/she should replace the book with the latest edition. In case the book cannot be replaced, staff/faculty have to pay twice the price of the book.

  • Staff/faculty ID card is non-transferable. Hence staff/faculty must not lend his/her ID Card to any other student to borrow books from the library.

  • A student found to be misusing his/her library card, Library facilities for such student will be immediately withdrawn.

  • NO DUE Certificate will be issued to a staff/faculty only after he/she has returned all the library books and cleared.