Do’s & Don`ts

  • ID cards to be presented at the time of every entry to the library

  • No personal belongings are allowed inside. They should be left at the property counter.

  • When you are in the library please respect other user’s needs

  • Silence should be maintained & cell phones should be switched off in the library

  • Consumption of food is not permitted in the reference section. Refreshments are allowed only in the private study area.

  • Courteous and polite behavior is expected from all, at all times in all circumstances

  • Do not mutilate any material housed in the library. If not they are liable for punishment as decided by the Principal/Librarian

  • Every student member should clear all the dues and obtain a ‘No Dues Certificate’ at the end of every academic year.

  • Librarian can recall back any issued book at any time.

  • Take care of the books

  • Return books on time

Your Contribution to the Library

Please Do
  • Visit the library regularly (preferably every day).

  • Cultivate the habit of reading by reading something each day.

  • Follow the rules of the library. Rules are there to assist everyone.

  • Use the information retrieval tools and save your time.

  • Consult the Librarian for any information, you may never know, we may even know the answer.

  • Give your suggestions if any for the development of the library to the Librarian or drop in the suggestion in the suggestion/complaint box in the library.

Please Do Not
  • Forget that the library is for the utility of all.

  • Tear/damage any book/property of the library.

  • Misplace a book.

  • Delay in returning a borrowed book.

  • Go straight to the shelves of your subject but browse through the library.

  • Steal a book. We do have sufficient copies for all of you. And even if not, contact the Librarian who will ensure that you get your particular book for reference.

 Help!! : Please do not hesitate to ask the library staff for help if you do not find what you need. It’s what we are here for.